Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28, 2015

Ms. Zurales' 3rd Grade News
August 28, 2015

It was wonderful meeting many of you at Open House! I am very excited to be your child's teacher this year.

We've had a great start to our first week in 3rd grade. We've been involved in many activities to help us get to know each other. We jumped right into the PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) program by reviewing our cool tools that reinforce our school's behavior expectations. Today we had our PBIS Assembly. Matt Wilhelm from "America's Got Talent" was our guest of honor. He performed amazing BMX bike stunts while speaking about bullying, perseverance, bike safety, and character. 

It is here that you will find what's happening in our classroom. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Education is a partnership between the school, parents, and community. Together we can make your child's educational experience positive, fun and challenging. 

Reading Next week we will begin to revisit and practice the Daily 5 structure which will help fully engage our students in reading and writing. 

Math  We will begin a new math series next week called Bridges. I look forward to meeting all of my students next week.

Social Studies Students will begin a unit on Map skills. We will be discussing a compass rose and completing activities related to directions: North, South, East and West. Look for a study guide to come home early in the week. A direction quiz will be given at the end of the week. Check your students planner for the exact date.

Important Dates & Announcement


Gym - Every day - Please make sure your child wears or has a pair of gym 
                            shoes to change into every day.
Music - Mondays
Library - Tuesdays & Fridays
Art - Wednesdays

SNACK TIME:  We are a peanut-free classroom!

All students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack from home to eat mid-morning. The following foods may be eaten at snack time: fruits, vegetables, cheese, and fruit juice. Please no junk food. Pretzels and crackers, like Goldfish are also allowed. Food should be ready for consumption and not require peeling, washing, slicing, etc. There is only a limited time for snacks. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Help us to keep snack time healthy!

Copy Helpers
If you are interested in copying for our class, please email me. If I get a few volunteers I will set up a rotating schedule. Thanks in advance!

News From PE:  Mrs. Cushing:

Kids in Action:  Kids in Action is a way of having your child show their classmates and myself and the school what type of activities they do outside of school.  I am asking the third graders to bring in ONE picture of themselves performing some kind of physical activity they like to do.  This picture will be displayed for others to see.  If your child would like to do this, please have the picture in by September 4th.  Fourth and fifth graders will have the chance to do this later in the year.  

Third graders see me FIRST thing in the morning.  Chances are there will be dew on the grass.  Third graders see me FIRST thing in the morning.  It is a good idea for the third graders to bring an extra pair of shoes and socks for after PE. 

September Dates to Remember

  3 - 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 6:30-8:00PM
  7 - Labor Day - No School
24 - Early Dismissal - SIP Day

I am looking forward to a wonderful year in 3rd Grade!
