Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018

Ms. Zurales' 3rd Grade News
December 21, 2018

ELA  We will continue our study of cultures and traditions. We will be reading What If I Had Animal Teeth. Students will be choosing animal teeth and then writing an argumentative piece on why they think the animal teeth they chose are the best to have. We will also be writing about a New Year's Resolution.  

Make sure to read for 20 days (20 min each day) and record it in the December Reading Log. Logs are due January 7.

SPELLING  Menus will go home when we return on January 7th. 

SOCIAL SCIENCE  We will continue our unit on Balancing Forces. We will continue Chapter 2. Students will read a short fictional story about 2 sisters discussing and investigating magnets. This lesson reinforces concepts about magnets and provides the opportunity to make sense of a data table.

MATH  Ms. Zurales' Math class will begin Unit 4, Measurement & Fractions.

Our next Multiplication facts will be the 10s. This quiz will be after the break. It's never too early to start practicing. Flash cards are a great resource!

XTRA Math:
Teacher email:
Pin: Is written in their assignment notebook. 

If your child should forget their Student Book or their Home Connections workbook at school, they can go into my google math classroom from a home computer and print the page they will need to complete for homework.


1/7 - Return from Winter Break
1/9 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - x10 Facts Quiz is Wednesday

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018

Ms. Zurales' 3rd Grade News
December 14, 2018

ELA  We will read Twas the Night Before Christmas and illustrate what the author wants his readers to visualize in their heads.

December Reading Logs went home this week. Make sure to read for 20 days (20 min each day) and record it in the December Reading Log. Logs are due January 7.

SPELLING  Three items on the menu, 1 from each column, are due on Thursday, Dec 20th, the day of the test. 

SOCIAL SCIENCE  We will continue our unit on Balancing Forces. We will continue Chapter 2. Students will be reading a reference book about how magnets attract and repel and write a reflection. 

MATH  A study guide for Unit 2 is due on Monday, December 17. Please review it with your child. The Unit Assessment is Wednesday, December 19.

Our next Multiplication facts will be the 10s. This quiz will be after the break. It's never too early to start practicing. Flash cards are a great resource!

XTRA Math:
Teacher email:
Pin: Is written in their assignment notebook. 

If your child should forget their Student Book or their Home Connections workbook at school, they can go into my google math classroom from a home computer and print the page they will need to complete for homework.


12/17 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - Unit 2 Study Guide Due
12/18 - All school trip to Tivoli to see Elf
12/19 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - Unit 2 Assessment
12/20 - Spelling Menu due and Test
12/21 - Bowling Field Trip in a.m. and in-class Christmas movie in the p.m.
1/7 - Return from Winter Break

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018

Ms. Zurales' 3rd Grade News
December 7, 2018

ELA  We will begin a new unit on Cultures and Traditions. Students will be answering the question:  How does learning about other cultures impact our thinking? We will be reading the book Hello. This book identifies different languages and ways to say hello. We will also read The Keeping Quilt. This is a story about the importance of keeping family history and traditions through time. We will be designing a quilt next week describing our own family tradition. Students should be thinking about a family tradition they celebrate and be able to elaborate on it for Thursday. 

December Reading Logs went home this week. Make sure to read for 20 days (20 min each day) and record it in the December Reading Log.

SPELLING  New sorts went home on Monday.  Three items on the menu, 1 from each column, are due on Thursday, Dec 20th, the day of the test. 

SOCIAL SCIENCE  We will continue our unit on Balancing Forces. We will continue Chapter 2:  Why  does the train rise without anything touching it? Students will predict and test what objects magnetic forces act on.

MATH  Students will be identifying and labeling types of multiplication facts in a multiplication table. A study guide for Unit 2 will go home on Wednesday. It will be due on Monday, December 17. The Unit Assessment is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19.

We will also be working to master our multiplication facts.  We will begin with the 2's.  A practice sheet will go home on Monday and a fact test will be given on Wednesday. Students are responsible for mastering the multiplication facts up to 12. The quiz will have 26 math problems. It's never too early to start practicing. Flash cards are a great resource!

XTRA Math:
Teacher email:
Pin: Is written in their assignment notebook. 

If your child should forget their Student Book or their Home Connections workbook at school, they can go into my google math classroom from a home computer and print the page they will need to complete for homework.


12/12 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - Times 3 Facts Quiz
12/17 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - Unit 2 Study Guide Due
12/18 - All school trip to Tivoli to see Elf
12/19 - Ms. Zurales' Math Class - Unit 2 Assessment
12/20 - Spelling Menu due and Test
12/21 - Bowling Field Trip in a.m. and in class Christmas movie in the p.m.
